Electrical Engineering Technician Training Offers Students Solid Base

Did you know that Electrical Engineering Technicians have a huge responsibility in the construction sector? That's because these professionals are in charge of a field that, according to Wikipedia, implements and applies the principles of electrical engineering. Like its counterpart electrical engineering technology deals with the "design, application, installation, manufacturing, operation and/or maintenance of electrical/electronic(s) systems." However, electrical engineering technology is generally more focused on application and implementation, while electrical engineering may place more of an emphasis on theory and conceptual design. Additionally, Electrician Engineering Technician professionals who have completed post-secondary electrical engineering courses work in a wide range of areas such as: power distribution and utilization, electrical power generation, transmission, and protection; industrial telecommunications, electrical maintenance and installation, control systems, services, sales, design and repair.

More specifically, among the duties of an Electrical Engineering Technician are: providing technical assistance and resolution when electrical or engineering problems are encountered before, during, and after construction; assembling electrical and electronic systems and prototypes according to engineering data and electrical principles; installing and maintaining electrical control systems and solid state equipment; modifying electrical prototypes, parts, assemblies, and systems to correct functional deviations; collaborating with electrical engineers to identify and solve developmental problems; building, calibrating, maintaining, troubleshooting and repairing electrical instruments or testing equipment; writing commissioning procedures for electrical installations; and much more.

Centennial College provides those interested in the field with both a solid foundation and the practical experience they need for a competitive edge through its two-year Electrical Engineering Technician program. This is achieved through a variety of approaches, including learning that simulates actual workplace assignments, and includes practice of electrical drawings, diagnostics and analysis of electrical systems as well as testing and troubleshooting electrical power systems. Additionally, Electrical Engineering courses are supplemented or enhanced through the use of up-to-date SETAS labs, which provide students with extensive practice opportunity to develop skills required to assume entry-level positions in the industry.

In these course and labs, Electrical Engineering Technician students become comfortable with: installations, testing, maintaining, repairing, analyzing and troubleshooting specific kinds of electrical circuits, equipment, and systems. Students also obtain thorough grounding in electrical engineering sciences and skills, including electrical circuits, maintenance of electrical instruments or devices, operation of electrical motors and power transmission as used in the industry.

Lastly, Electrical Engineering Technician students partake in a final semester course called Capstone Project. This is an opportunity to gain real life experience by working on a project that requires a great deal of research and application of knowledge they have gained throughout the offering.

If you're interested in attending this Electrical Engineering Technician undertaking, you are required to have completed at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, or mature student status (19 years or older). In addition, you must have finished the compulsory English 12C or U, or skills assessment, or equivalent; and the Math 11M or U, or 12C or U, or skills assessment, or equivalent.

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